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175 MILLJÓN Bandaríkjadala Trump-svikamál leyst, hæstiréttur úrskurðar um friðhelgi, fjölgun mótmæla sem styðja Palestínumenn: Nýjustu uppfærslur

In a significant development, Trump’s $175 million bond in a New York civil fraud judgment case has been settled with a cash promise. The trial, alleging Trump’s attempt to corrupt the 2016 election, is underway without live cameras. The Supreme Court will soon determine if Trump is immune from federal prosecution. Pro-Palestinian protests are escalating on US college campuses following mass arrests at Columbia University.

Elsewhere, the Papua nýtt Guinea leader expressed offense after implications by Biden about cannibalism in his family history. A diver faced a harrowing choice under an alligator attack: lose his arm or risk losing his life. In sports news, the Yankees’ manager was unexpectedly ejected just five pitches into a game against the Athletics.

Additionally, there’s buzz surrounding the Jets trading quarterback Zach Wilson to the Broncos, as confirmed by an AP source. The search for COVID-19 origins has stirred political tensions while West Virginia reports its first measles case since 2009.

On another note, a celebrity handbag designer has been sentenced to prison for smuggling crocodile handbags. Hikers in Israel made an alarming discovery of part of a missile in the desert terrain.

Enn fremur, forseti Biden condemned anti-Semitic protests on college campuses while video footage captured a tragic car accident at a birthday party resulting in two children’s deaths.

Lastly, European Space Agency welcomes new astronauts from five countries and NFL teams face scrutiny over their drafting success rates with quarterbacks — shedding light on their failures and reasons behind them.